Endowment Gifts

We have aligned our financial investments with our mission by partnering with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines to offer donors a variety of options to provide lasting support. Your contribution to our endowment fund ensures a consistent stream of support for operational expenses and the long-term sustainability of our organization.

The Beacon of Life Endowment Fund


Invest in our Future

Our endowment fund with the Community Foundation is like a savings account for the future, it grows over time and never runs out! Endowment funds are invested for long-term growth and eventually give back more than in returns. In this way, your gift today will give back forever.

Our endowment fund with the Community Foundation provides 5% of the fund as a spendable balance each year. As it continues to grow, we are able to address pressing needs and promising opportunities, today and in the future.

Comm Foundation of Greater Des Moines

Learn More

Contact the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines and their professional advisors to learn more about your options to contribute to non-cash gifts to The Beacon.

Contact Us

The Beacon's Endow Iowa Fund

Give & Earn Tax Credits

Contributions to The Beacon of Life Endowment Endow Iowa Fund are eligible for tax credits. The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines is privileged to offer the Endow Iowa Tax Credit, a 25% state tax credit on qualified gifts.

How it works

  • A variety of gifts qualify for Endow Iowa Tax Credits including cash, real estate, farmland, appreciated securities and outright gifts of retirement assets.
  • Tax credits of 25% of the gifted amount are limited to $100,000 per taxpayer and $200,000 per couple if both are Iowa taxpayers. No minimum gift amount is required to qualify for Endow Iowa Tax Credits.
  • Endow Iowa Tax Credits are available on a first-come, first-served basis until the yearly appropriated limit is reached. If the current year’s tax credits have been exhausted, qualified donors are eligible for the next year’s Endow Iowa Tax Credits.
  • All qualified donors have five years to use their Endow Iowa Tax Credits.
  • Qualified donors include individuals, businesses, trusts and estates.
  • Consult your tax advisor regarding the federal deductibility of Endow Iowa qualified contributions.

Endow Iowa Tax Credit Illustration

*For ease of illustration, the examples do not factor in the federal/state net tax effect. Examples assume the donor is in the 37% tax bracket and plans to claim a charitable deduction on their federal tax return.

To Contribute

There are multiple ways to make a contributions:

  • Contribute online with a credit card, debit card or online check
  • Contribute via check: checks must be made out to the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines with "The Beacon" on the memo line
  • Non-cash gifts (stock, real estate, or personal property)

The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines will record your gift and send you a charitable gift letter. They will enclose an Endow Iowa Tax Credit Application. Complete the application and return to the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines.

The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines will submit the application to the State of Iowa and your tax credit documents will be issued by the state.

Make an Online Contribution

Visit The Beacon Endowment fund giving page to contribute with a credit card, debit card or online check.

Contact Us

Contact the Community Foundation of Des Moines to discuss qualifying non-cash gifts.

IRA Charitable Rollover

Consider a Charitable Gift from Your IRA

As you consider ways to continue your charitable support, especially if you’re considering giving to our Endow Iowa fund, the IRA charitable rollover is a giving opportunity worth knowing about. The IRA charitable rollover provides donors 70 ½ and older a unique opportunity to make taxwise gifts to the causes they care about.

How it Works

  • Donors 70 ½ and older can transfer up to $100,000 of IRA assets to public charities without being subject to income taxes on the distribution.
  • You can use your IRA distribution to invest in The Beacon's Endow Iowa fund.

In partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, we are eager to work with you to discuss how your generous gift may be eligible for Endow Iowa Tax Credits, while taking advantage of the IRA charitable rollover giving opportunity.