Apply to Stay
The Beacon is a trauma-informed, equity-centered home and programming for women who are coming out of crisis and want to lead satisfying, productive lives. We are here to support you! We have established expectations – both what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you – so that all of our clients can experience a safe and structured environment that moves toward The Beacon’s vision:
For women with a history of trauma, abuse, and addiction to realize and begin to experience their full potential.

100% of 2022 Beacon graduates were employed & moved into permanent housing.
Client responsibility for rent is $105/week and includes housing, utilities, WiFi, and laundry. (The remainder is covered by other funding sources.)
Clients will meet with a mental health counselor each week, as well as establishing a primary care physician. Additionally, we collaborate with community partners for other supports you may need, such as financial literacy or career development.
Clients move through our five-phase program which begins with a 5 pm curfew and ends with a 10 pm curfew upon reaching phase five.
Clients will share a large bedroom and bathroom with two other women and participate in daily household chores.
Each client has their own bedroom closet with a keypad for safely storing their own items.
Upon arrival, clients will work with their Case Manager to determine their needs and goals. They will continue to meet once a week, as well as attend a weekly House Meeting with all clients. Our program is a minimum of 6 months, and we can continue to provide case management for three years past graduation.
Clients will be supported with dignity and respect in their journey to remain clean and sober. For purposes of accountability and the safety of the house, belongings will be searched regularly, as well as consistent breathalyzer and drug tests.
Next Steps
Fill out the application below to begin your path of empowerment at The Beacon. You will receive a call from our staff within one week to determine if The Beacon is the next best step for you!
Questions? Call (515) 244-4713 ex 5
Are you experiencing domestic violence and need support? Click here.
The Application
We practice intentional diversity by increasing access to The Beacon for members of marginalized communities wanting to experience involvement as staff, Board, volunteers, or clients. We believe that we are a stronger, more effective team because of our diversity and will do the work to uncover and remedy any experiences or systems that disadvantage someone because of their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.